Expungement Clinics

Criminal records can have significant collateral consequences, for decades after a conviction, that affect virtually every aspect of a person’s life including employment and licensing, education, public benefits, voting rights and even volunteer opportunities. Expungement, the legal process of removing a criminal record, including arrests and convictions, from the public record, offers an opportunity for individuals to receive a meaningful second chance. Learn more about NACDL’s expungement clinics below.

 Upcoming Clinics Previous Clinics  Request to NACDL National Expungement Service Directory

The Issue

Expungement is the legal process of removing a criminal record, including arrests and convictions, from the public record. However, expungements are often not widely available and are difficult to obtain due to legal, procedural, and financial barriers.

Expungement laws and processes vary by state and county, which makes clearing criminal records a complex task, generally requiring the assistance of an attorney to help determine eligibility for relief and to navigate the process to obtain relief. To help mitigate the process, NACDL partners with organizations across the nation to host expungement clinics.

If you would like to share your organization's upcoming expungment clinic on our page, or learn more about NACDL's work around expungement services, please fill out the request form above.

Upcoming Clinics

October 4, 2024 Allegany County Expungement Clinic

Please join us! NACDL and our partners the American Job Center, Western Maryland Consortium, Maryland Legal Aid, the Maryland Public Defenders, Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission (HRDC), Department of Rehabiltation Services (DORS), Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS), and The Human Trafficking Prevention Project, University of Baltimore School of Law will be returning to Cumberland, MD to host another expungement clinic at The McMullen Building on 138 Baltimore Street, Cumberland, MD 21502 on Friday, October 4, 2024. For questions please call: 301-777-1221 or email: cumberland@dllr.state.md.us.

April 5, 2024 Allegany County Expungement Clinic

NACDL and our partners the American Job Center, Western Maryland Consortium, Maryland Legal Aid, the Maryland Public Defenders, Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission (HRDC), Department of Rehabiltation Services (DORS) and Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) hosted another successul clinic on Friday April 5, 2024 at The McMullen Building on 138 Baltimore Street, Cumberland, MD 21502. We would like to thank our partners for their continous support in helping provide this great resurce for members of the Maryland community.  

April 2024 Allegany County Clinic Flyer

October 28, 2023 Expungement Clinic at Rockville Public Library

On Saturday October 28, 2023 from 10:30am-1:30pm at the Rockville Public Library, 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850 NACDL, along with the Montgomery County MD Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc and the J. Franklin Bourne Bar Association held an expungement clinic offering expungement services for free. Through the clinic, 27 individuals received one on one help from volunteer attorneys to learn about their eligiblity and leave with completed petitions when eligible. We would like to thank our partners, volunteer attorneys, and the community for a successful event! 

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Rockville Public Library Expungement Clinic Flyer

September 29, 2023 Allegany County Expungement Clinic

NACDL would like to extend the American Job Center, Western Maryland Consortium, Maryland Legal Aid, Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission (HRDC), Department of Rehabiltation Services (DORS) and Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) for yet another successful Allegany County Expungement Clinic that occured on September 29, 2023. Through the clinic, NACDL and partners were able to assist nearly 50 individuals with pro bono expungement services and resources. We look foward to continuing work in the community with the help of our dedicated partners. 

Allegany County Expungement Clinic September 29, 2023 Flyer

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March 31, 2023 Allegany County Expungement Clinic

NACDL, the American Job Center, Western Maryland Consortium, Maryland Legal Aid, Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission (HRDC), Department of Rehabiltation Services (DORS) and Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) kicked off Second Chance Month by returning to Cumberland Maryland host another Allegany County Expungement Clinic on Friday, March 31 2023. Through the clinc, NACDL and partners were able to assist nearly 70 individuals with pro bono expungement services and resources. We would like to extend a big thank you to our dedicated partners and everyone who showed up to help make this clinic a useful resource for the community.

March 31, 2023 Allegany County Clinic Flyer

September 30, 2022 Allegany County Expungement Clinic

Through the 2022 Allegany County Expungement Clinic, NACDL, the American Job Center, Western Maryland Consortium, Maryland Legal Aid, Area Health Education Center West (AHEC West), Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), United Food & Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission (HRDC), and Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) offered over 60 individuals pro bono  expungement services and resources. Expungement is an essential but difficult to navigate post-conviction relief process that helps remove barriers to meaningful second chances. We would like to thank our partners and everyone who showed up to make this day possible!

2022 Allegany County Clinic Flyer