Race Matters: The Impact of Race on Criminal Justice (2017)

This inaugural Presidential Summit was designed to help practitioners identify and confront issues of racial bias in our courts, the law enforcement community, by prosecutors, and yes, even the defense team. Attendees heard from trial lawyers, academics, and formerly incarcerated individuals who offered their personal perspectives, strategies, and ideas on why Race Matters. This program was created to intentionally challenge you to push the envelope on your understanding of and willingness to attack racial bias in the criminal justice system.

NACDL's Presidential Summit & Seminar: "Race Matters: The Impact of Race on Criminal Justice" 
September 14-15, 2017 | Detroit, Michigan 

Race Matters in our criminal justice system. It affects what happens from initial contact with police on the street, to the end of the case and everything in between. As part of being effective advocates for our clients, criminal defense lawyers face the challenge of confronting the difficult issues presented by race in America.

Speaker Bios

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Welcoming Remarks


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NACDL President (2017-2018) Rick Jones, Executive Director, Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem & Program Chairs
History of Race in America


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Jeffery Robinson, Deputy Legal Director and Director of the Trone Center for Justice and Equality, American Civil Liberties Union
The Myth of Colorblind Justice


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L. Song Richardson, Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine


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Alexander Shalom, Senior Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey
Presentation of NACDL's Champion of Justice Award
NACDL President Rick Jones honors Program Co-Chair Cynthia Roseberry and presents her with this year's award in recognition of her contributions to Clemency Project 2014
Charging Decisions: Policy


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Angela J. Davis, Professor of Law, American University College of Law
Voir Dire


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Martín Sabelli, Law Offices of Martin A. Sabelli, San Francisco, CA & Kyana Givens, Assistant Federal Defender, Federal Public Defender Western District of Washington (Seattle)
Keynote Address


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Roy Austin, Jr., Partner, Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP, and Former Director, White House Office of Urban Affairs and Opportunity

Race Matters II (2019)

Friday, September 15, 2017

Bond:  Policy


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Brandon Buskey, Deputy Director for Smart Justice Litigation, Criminal Law Reform Project, American Civil Liberties Union
Bond: Practice


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Colette Tvedt, The Law Firm of Colette Tvedt LLC, Denver, CO
Race Data Matters: Using Expert Testimony and Social Science Data About Discriminatory Policing to Win Pretrial Motions


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Rahsaan D. Hall, Director, Racial Justice Program, American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts & Alison Siegler, Clinical Law Professor, University of Chicago Law School
Sentencing: Policy


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Marc Mauer, Executive Director, The Sentencing Project
Sentencing: Practice


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Nancy L. McGunn, Deputy Federal Defender, Federal Public Defender Eastern District of Michigan (Detroit)
The Intersection of Race & Poverty: Challenging Debtors' Prisons


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Nusrat Choudhury, Deputy Director, Racial Justice Program, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Collateral Consequences: Policy


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David Singleton, Executive Director, Ohio Justice & Policy Center
Collateral Consequences: Practice


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Amanda David, Assistant Federal Defender, Federal Public Defender of Eastern District New York
Voices of Clients
Moderator: Cynthia Roseberry, Executive Director, Council for Court Excellence

Race Matters IV (2021), V (2022), VI (2023), and VII (2024) are available for purchase.

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